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Garden Management, Part 3 – Azure Blob Storage

By on 10/05/2017

This is the next step of the implementation of the sample application for Garden Management. In part one and two, we already solved the circles for

SQL database and…


Garden management with Azure, Part 2

By on 13/04/2017

In the first part of the ‘Garden management’ application, we created the SQL database and the web service in Azure, using Microsoft’s Azure Mobile SDKs. The functionality consisted mainly in a http…


Garden management with Azure, Part 1

By on 02/03/2017

Microsoft offers with Azure and its SDKs a comfortable and fast way to create pretty nice applications

Cloud with SQL database, storage, authentification and notifications
Clients with offline…


Developing in small circles

By on 17/02/2017

Automatic testing is one of the most important ‘best practices’. But why? We all know that it’s an effort to write them, and more effort to maintain them….